Contact Us

The following contact information is provided to make sure you reach Training Center Cape May personnel best-suited to answer any questions you may have:

Public and Governmental Affairs

The External Affairs Officer is available to answer public information related questions from the general public, media, and governmental inquiries.

CWO Mike Lutz

(609) 898-6362

Recruit Affairs

The Battalion Officer is available to answer Recruit Training related questions, except where information is protected by law including training status and medical status without individual recruit release approval. 

LTJG Wyatt.A.Nelson.

(609) 898-6715

Security Office

The security office may be contacted by:


(609) 898-6915


The webmaster can be contacted by:.

Mr. David Wessel

(609) 898-6815

Find a Recruiter

You can get more information about joining the Coast Guard and find a recruiter at GoCoastGuard.

Mailing Address

Commanding Officer
Coast Guard Training Center Cape May
1 Munro Avenue
Cape May, NJ 08204