Greetings MLEA families,

It is highly recommended that personnel assigned to MLEA and their dependents have an understanding of the D7 evacuation policy and reporting guidelines prior to any storms impacting the Charleston area. It is also recommended that families establish a hurricane plan and possess an understanding of flood zones, evacuation routes, etc., prior to the onset of hurricane season. Linked below are the D7 evacuation policy and personnel accountability guidance, 2021 MLEA Hurricane Letter and several helpful links to aid in preparing for potential storms. In the event of a storm personnel stationed onboard FLETC should utilize the FLETC Charleston Status Hotline, (843) 746-7755, for updates regarding base closure and opening.

2022 MLEA Hurricane Letter.pdf

2021 Hurricane Season - Ensuring Personnel Readiness (ALCOAST 192/21)

MLEA - Severe Weather PowerPoint Slides

Evacuation Allowance Guide - March 2020

American Red Cross - Hurricane Safety

FEMA Flood Zone Maps

South Carolina Emergency Management Division