New Staff Information




    Government housing is available at Naval Weapons Station Charleston. Please click on the link below for further information.

    • To search for information on available homes and apartments use a real estate app or website such as Zillow or
    • Electric and Gas contact: South Carolina Electric and Gas Company, 843-554-7234.
    • Water contact: Commissioners of Public Works, 843-727-6800.
    • Mail: U.S. Post Office has Change-of-Address cards. Nearby post offices are downtown at 83 Broad St. and 557 East Bay St., on James Island at 579 Folly Rd., and in St. Andrews at 78 Sycamore Rd.
    • For vehicle and drivers license information please visit the following website for information.

    Uniform of the Day


    All Coast Guard personnel must report in wearing their Tropical Blue uniforms.
    The MLEA uniform of the day is the Operational Dress Uniform (ODU).




    Each newly assigned member to the MLE Academy will be assigned a sponsor. A message will be sent out to the member within 7 days stating their sponsor's name, number and email address.




    Quarters are held every Friday at 0800 hours. All hands are required to attend. This is where pertinent information is passed along concerning the unit as well as recognizing new members, bidding farewell to departing members, and presenting formal awards.  




    Upon reporting into the MLE Academy complete (DEERS) address update. If you need to update your ID card or enroll a family member in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) call 1-800-538-9552 DEERS or email:  




    • MLEA IDHS 843-740-6615 (Office)
    • CMA 843-740-6608 (Office)
    • TRICARE Service Advocate:  Ms. Brenda Barnett (CNH)
    • TRICARE Health Benefits Advisors: Ms. Benita North 843-743-7708
    • TRICARE Health Benefits Advisor @ Charleston Naval Hospital: Ms. Sandy Mandyville 843-743-7712
    • MLC Atlantic area HBA: 1-800-942-2422
    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 1-800-222-0364
    • Family Member Dental Program (FMDP – United Concordia) 1-800-866-8499
    • United Concordia website:
    • Active Duty Members; On Base Medical / BLD # 46 (FLETC) Health Unit hours / availability (0730-1730, Monday – Friday, except Holidays)
    • Tricare (South) Enrollment for Entire Family; Charleston Naval Hospital (1st Floor)
    • TRICARE Region (South) Website:
    • Detailed and complete information regarding the TRICARE program.
    • A list of supplemental insurance plans available for use in conjunction with TRICARE coverage.  This website is most applicable to family members utilizing TRICARE Standard.

    Educational Links


    Once you report onboard the MLEA's ESO's can answer any education-related questions you may have.