Inland SAR Planning Course

    The five (5) day Inland SAR Planning Course is a comprehensive, "graduate-level" look at search theory and its application to land and air searches for missing persons and aircraft, focusing on wilderness, not urban, searches. The course consists of classroom lessons and practical, tabletop exercises. This course does not incorporate field training. Emphasis is on the planning necessary for effective area-type searching during an extended search using Probability of Success (POS), rather than just a few elements of POC or POD, to allocate limited resources to their best effect. In essence, what to do after the rapid (hasty) search and specialty resources have not found the search object. Additional topics include pre-plan development, legal aspects, Cospas-Sarsat System, and federal SAR roles and responsibilities. The course does not teach search tactics or technical procedures, as those are well covered from other readily available sources.

    The course is directed toward SAR leaders in federal, state, and local emergency services and law enforcement, as well as Civil Air Patrol, international, and volunteer SAR agencies -- those few people who are responsible for the planning and overall conduct of inland search missions. Aiming to "find the objective fast," the course centers on tools to help SAR decision makers determine where to search, how to divide an area between limited search resources, and how to craft the overall search effort to gain the best increases in likelihood of success at each step. The tools are mathematically based and not for the faint of heart; they help quantify the uncertainties of the search problem to allow consistent application throughout a mission.

    Classes begin promptly at 0800 on the convening date and graduate by 1530 on the fifth day. Prior to class, students should review and be conversant on the following from their own agencies in order to make class discussions more useful and help integrate class materials with their own search environments back home:

    • Search pre-plans
    • Decision making guidelines for where/when/how to search
    • Agreements and relationships with other SAR agencies
    • How their agency organizes on scene
    • Recent search missions
    • A firm grounding in SAR terminology and employment techniques, practical SAR experience, basic arithmetic and calculator skills, an understanding of local SAR mission management requirements, and an open mind are essential.
    • Download and review this case study prior to start of class.

    Schedule and Registration Form

    FY24 Class Schedule and Registration Form


    Required: None. Preferred: Basic Inland SAR Course.

    The target audience includes on-scene incident commanders and their planners, operations leaders, and mission coordinators. The general searcher or search team leader, while arguably the most important part of the SAR team, will not find this course useful.


    There is NO course or tuition fee for U.S. students (volunteers and government employees) directly involved in SAR planning and management activities.

    • The school supplies students with all required materials.
    • Students are responsible for their own personal and travel expenses: transportation, hotel accommodations, per diem, meals, etc.

    Application Procedures

    • State, local and volunteer SAR personnel (example: Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Volunteer SAR Organizations, etc.)   
      •  Each individual MUST register through the ISPC registration website using the link associated with desired course. All links are located under the "Schedule and Registration Form" (i.e., FY22 Class Schedule and Registration Form).
    • National Park Service   
      • Apply through the NPS Deputy Chief of Emergency Services to the school. NPS employees should obtain permission from their supervisors to attend and include that approval with their nomination.
    •  Each individual MUST register through the ISPC registration website using the link associated with desired course. All links are located under the "Schedule and Registration Form" (i.e., FY22 Class Schedule and Registration Form). U.S. Coast Guard   
      • IMPORTANT: Do NOT submit an Electronic Training Request via Direct Access. Course attendance may be FORCOM funded. Class seats are controlled.
      •  Each individual MUST register through the ISPC registration website using the link associated with desired course. All links are located under the "Schedule and Registration Form" (i.e., FY22 Class Schedule and Registration Form). When no quotas remain available, USCG members may still enroll as a "no cost" participant providing: 1) the member's chain of command approves participation; and 2) the member (or the member's unit) agrees to incur all expenses including (but not limited to) travel, lodging, and per diem.
    • Civil Air Patrol
      • Must complete both registration requirements. If you are "dual-hatted" (for example, local law enforcement and CAP), contact the school to determine your most appropriate attendance category and application route.
        • ISPC Website Registration requirement: Each individual MUST register through the ISPC registration website using the link associated with desired course. All links are located under the "Schedule and Registration Form" (i.e., FY22 Class Schedule and Registration Form).
        • NHQ CAP Website Registration Requirement: Apply through National Headquarters CAP by using the link: Your application will automatically send a notice of registration to HQ CAP Your state Wing Commander concurrence is mandatory for participation.
    • All other federal agencies (Department of Defense, Customs and Border Protection, etc.)   
    • Each individual MUST register through the ISPC registration website using the link associated with desired course. All links are located under the "Schedule and Registration Form" (i.e., FY22 Class Schedule and Registration Form). Partner Nation Students   
      • Apply through the Office of Defense Cooperation at the US Embassy in your country. U.S. Coast Guard International Mobile Training & Education Catalog MASL number for this course is P116035.
      • NOTE: All partner nation student quotas are reserved for Inland SAR Planning Courses conducted only at TRACEN Yorktown. Please review the ISPC schedule for the next available course date.


    Each individual MUST register through the ISPC registration website using the link associated with desired course. All links are located under the "Schedule and Registration Form" (i.e. FY22 Class Schedule and Registration Form).

    Sponsor the course!

    Agencies or organizations wishing to sponsor the Inland SAR Planning Course in your state can visit

    Any questions please email